I am honored to be part of a collaboration with the non-profit NGO SocialSpace which fights to strengthen young people's mental health and make help easily accessible throughout the country.
As an artist, I believe in the power of art to convey important messages and causes.
The works is in ceramics, glass, and recycled material showcased the power of art to bring people together and create significant impact.
Date: January 2024 - Launching Event 17/1 and 25/1
Where: Bispeengen 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, DK &. Balticagade 12D, 8000 Aarhus, DK
Project type: Collabotion - Solo Exhibition - Launching Event
Materials: Ceramic, Glass and recycled materials

Craft is a powerful medium that can communicate ideas, emotions, and messages that sometimes can't be told by word.
The pieces grew with drawings, notes and messages from the more than 1000 young people SOCIALSPACE has worked with.
The titles: Communities, Media, Help and Support, and Mental Health, have been the themes which I have work with.
Get to know more about social space here: