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The 4 works, was exhibited at the 2 Launching Events, in URBAN13 in Copenhagen, DK and Dypaang in Århus, DK. To support the work of SOCIALSPACE, a part of the money from a sale of the pieces, will be donated to the organisation.
Please contact me for interest of questions.

What do you see when you look at me? Perspective and presence are important for understanding the totality. What's inside is sometimes not visible to the outside world. Does it all crumble and fall apart- or is it building up again and patching itself up?
Materials: Stoneware, glaze, granite from Bornholm, upcycled ceramic material.
Dimensions : H: 23 cm L : 45 cm W: 45 cm

Like trees that grow strong roots in adversity, with the help and support of the other trees. Despite holes and cracks, we can survive challenges.
Fragility and collapse, looking massive and strong, but hollow. Help and support are not always visible when needed.
Materials: Stoneware, glaze, recycled glass and reused ceramic waste, sand, stones from Bornholm, DK.
Measurements: H: 44 cm L 40 cm W: 24 cm.

The intertwining's and connections make together everything grow. This can be both the positive and the negative that which grows inside the community. Outsider - or on the way in, is a non-attached Member.
Material: Stoneware, glaze and earth.
Measurements: H: 24 cm L : 50 cm W: 26 cm

Them and us – who holds the truth? Which part of the story is "the truth” – there are several sides to the same coin. You can't take out the core of the problem unless you accept the whole package. A mirror in all directions.
Materials: Stoneware, glaze, mirror glass , local earth, sand, rocks and clay from Bornholm, upcycled ceramic material.
Dimensions : H: 32 cm L: 36 cm W: 36 cm
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