An artwork consisting of 3 distinct sculptures, each one showcasing the ephemeral nature of snow and its relationship to the material world. Used is a combination of plaster, porcelain and almost pure boneash and woodash to create the pieces.
The 3 Step of Snow represents both life and death, as well as past life traces. A collapsed pinecone for instance, is a fossil of movement and transformation of form.
Date: Janurary 2024
Where: Royal Danish Academy Exhibition Hall , Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53 Copenhagen K, DK
Project type: Art project, Exhibition project
Materials: Ceramic, Porcelain, resedual materials - boneash, woodash, plaster, local clay

The artwork is captures the beauty, tranquility and intense phenomena of snow. Crafted using a material analysis frame, I have selected materials that expand in materiality, including glaze, clay body, and form.
The few chosen materials , like bone ash, carries a connection to life and death, adding an additional layer of depth to the piece.
